Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Update on the Gulf Oil Spill

We are a member of Matter of Trust. org. Runway Hair donates our clients used extensions and also haircuts. So we are sending out hair on the 7th. Matter of Trust sent an email that said for new sign up's they will have a round 2, if they need more hair to help clean up the Gulf Coast Oil Spill!
I am guessing with 40-60 barrels being dumped into our ocean every day they are going to need all of the help they can get. Make sure that the hair is pre-washed and free of debris and garbage. Also you can collect nylons with runs in them that is what they use to make the boom.
Join us by signing up your salon @ matter of
Thank you! Together as stylist we can make a huge difference , 1 haircut at a time!